Now available
A Book With A Mission To Awaken Women Around The World.
Learn how to tap into the single most perfect system living inside YOU — the seven Chakras.
Using the chakras frees women to express their authenticity and live a life of power, joy, creativity, and purpose. And while these ancient symbols and attributes have become trendy and very spiritual, few people today really know how to activate their power for deep transformation and healing. But we are changing that. In chakra rituals, be guided through a practical and inspiring step-by-step journey to not just learn about the chakras, but to see how they can actually change your life.
Meet the Author:
— Cristi Christensen
Cristi is an author, teacher, and global wellness leader, on a mission to shake up the planet! After an injury ended her dreams of Olympic gold, Cristi shifted her focus to helping others heal. Known for her dynamic blend of yoga, dance, inspiration and live music, Cristi travels the world leading workshops, retreats, and teacher trainings, and sits on the faculty as a Master Instructor for numerous festivals and conferences in more than 20 countries around the globe.
She is the creator of Soul Fire (her unique style of yoga), and the co-creator of Deep Exhale, and Kirana Yoga School. With more than two decades of experience in helping students transform their lives, she has become a leading global voice for women’s awakening and liberation. She has graced the cover of Yoga Journal, Om Yoga, LA Yoga and Asia Wellness and she has been featured in publications such as The Los Angeles Times, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Mantra Magazine, and Publishers Weekly.
In Chakra Rituals you'll be guided on a colorful day by day, week by week journey of empowerment.
You will receive over 50 ritual practices that will connect you and awaken you to the energy of each chakra from:
Altar Building
Powerful Pranayama
Mudra Magic
Vinyasa in the form of Body Prayers
Alivening Meditations
Writing Contemplation
Powerful Rituals
It's time to wake up to your true authentic power and brilliance, for the benefit of all.

Powerful Endorsements
“A wonderful chakra manual for every woman, to awaken through the sacred realm of ritual and ceremony. This book contains a treasure trove of jewels — designed to give you a complete, immersive experience through the seven sacred centers that are found in your deepest core. A great and lively read!”
— Anodea Judith, PhD., Author of Wheels of Life, Eastern Body-Western Mind
“Chakra Rituals is a lush, intimate, and beautifully written book. It is accessible, well-informed, deeply meaningful, and provides step-by-step instructions on how to transform your daily practice on the mat into a sacred ritual and a holistic expression of devotion that connects you to the Divine within...and within all. Please read this very special book.”
— Seane Corn, Teacher, speaker, activist and author of Revolution of the Soul
“Cristi brings forth the Ageless Wisdom traditions that allow women to rediscover and liberate the fire within them by embracing the real meanings of the chakra system, mudras, yoga, and other time-tested methods of spiritual liberation. Read this book and release your inner splendor!”
— Rev Michael Bernard Beckwith, Founder & Spiritual Director, Agape International Spiritual Center, Author, Life Visioning and Spiritual Liberation
“A woman of lyrical words and powerful movements, Cristi's capacity to teach the chakras in an accessible, relevant way will shift your understanding of your capacities and your contentment.”
— Elena Brower, Bestselling author of Practice You, Being You and Art of Attention
“Cristi brings a new approach to the ancient science of the chakras. Her bright energy and clear perspective on this often mystical subject is refreshing and applicable to the modern day woman.”
— Kino MacGregor, Author of The Power of Ashtanga Yoga and founder of Omstars
“Cristi is the embodiment of full chakra expression on every level. She is deeply grounded, expressive, powerful, heart-centered, vocal, intuitive and divinely guided. You are in for a treat as you journey with her into your own full expression and embodiment of your highest self.”
— Koya Webb, International Holistic Health Coach and Author
“Cristi takes the reader on a powerful journey of exploring both themselves and the chakras. She makes you want to say yes to the journey that is you. This book is a must-have for anyone ready to dive into the mystical world of energy and chakras.”
— Jill Wintersteen, Founder of Spirit Daughter
“My fourth chakra is bursting with joy after exploring my untamed inner wildness, with Cristi’s accessible & empowering daily rituals. More than just a heartfelt & riveting read, this book is actually a portal to your truest, most vibrant self.”
— Elise Joan, Beach Body Super Trainer, Creator of Barreblend
Now available
My prayer for all women is that —
You know you are enough, that you know you are worthy, and that we all — women everywhere— keep lifting each other up.
May you remember your light.
May we remember your power.
And may you always remember - you were born to wear this crown!